Information For Authors
The African Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Medicine (AJOMPM) is a peer-reviewed journal affiliated to the Nigerian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Medicine (NAOMPM). The Journal is to be published at least twice yearly (January to June and July to December issues). The Editorial Board welcomes contributions on outstanding clinical/experimental and epidemiological research work related to the practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology/Medicine, Forensic Odontology, Oral Biology and Oral/Maxillofacial Radiology globally.
Manuscripts and registered letters should be sent to:
The Editor-in-Chief
African Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology/Medicine,
Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine,
Dental Complex,
University of Benin Teaching Hospital,
P.M.B. 1111, Ugbowo,
Edo State, Nigeria.
Manuscripts in MS word attachments may also be submitted via Email to, in addition to hard copies. Tables, figures and text should be included in the same file if possible. Authors may submit their research works by email only; such manuscripts need not be simultaneously sent by post. However, photographs and/or figures need to be sent separately as hard copy (under figures and illustrations).
Manuscripts should meet the following criteria: original material, clear writing, appropriate study methods, valid data, and reasonable conclusions supported by the data, in short, they should contain important information on the practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology/Medicine, Forensic Odontology, Oral Biology or Oral/Maxillofacial Radiology.
Peer-review process
All the Manuscripts that adhere to its style and instruction for Authors are referred to peer-review. Some of them are rejected immediately after an in-house review. The rejection at this stage is due to insufficient originality, serious scientific flaws or absence of message. The remaining articles are sent to at least two reviewers who are experts in the subject. Manuscripts are reviewed with due respect for authors’ confidentiality, and the identity of peer reviewers is also kept confidential. A decision is made from 6 to 12 weeks according to the response from reviewers, revision by the author(s) and reappraisal on the revision.
The accepted manuscripts are subjected to editorial revision to comply with the requirement on language and style of the journal. The rejected manuscript is not returned to authors but its copies are kept for 3 months to answer any queries. The copyright of the accepted and published articles is held by the journal and all the published materials cannot be reproduced or published elsewhere, in whole or part, without the written permission from the editor.
Duplicate submission
Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication. The author should alert the editor if the work includes subjects about which a previous report has been publisher. A research paper submitted to this journal should not overlap by more than 10% with the previously published material or work submitted elsewhere, which would be considered as duplicate publication. If in doubt, authors may forward copies of the published work or material submitted elsewhere to this journal for decision-making.
Proofs and reprints
The corresponding author of the accepted article shall be supplied with the proof. Corrections on the proof should be restricted to errors only and no substantial additions/deletions should be made. No addition or deletion in the names of the authors is permissible at this stage. A copy of the issue carrying the article is supplied free of charge to the authors. Reprints may be ordered on payment in advance.
Categories of Articles
Articles can be sent as editorials, original articles, review articles, special communications, brief reports, case reports, letters to editor, commentaries, or for images section.
Original article
Original articles should report original research relevant to the practice of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology/Medicine, Forensic Odontology, Oral Biology and Oral/Maxillofacial Radiology, including randomized trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, cohort studies, cost-effectiveness analyses and case control studies. While reporting randomized controlled trials (RCT), authors must attempt to be in conformity with the consolidated standards of reporting trial. (CONSORT) statements.' Each manuscript should be accompanied with a structured abstract (divided into background/objective, methods, results and conclusions) in no more than 250 words. Four to six key words to facilitate indexing should be provided in alphabetical order along with the abstract. The text should be divided in sections on introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Acknowledgement section may be included where necessary. Number of tables and figures should be limited to the very relevant ones and may be compressed if necessary (maximum of six). The typical text length for such contributions is 2500-3500 words (excluding title page, abstract, tables, figures, acknowledgements and references).
Brief report
Short accounts of original studies are published as brief reports. The text should be divided into sections, i.e., abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion. Abstract should be of 100-150 words highlighting the aims, methods and main results along with 3-4 key words. The text should contain no more than 1500 words, 3 illustrations or tables and up to 20 references, preferably recent publications.